Terms & Conditions

"Terms and Conditions" are the basis that governs the use of Zoritalingerie.com website (which will be referred to by the website later in this document) and it is the rules that governs the purchase of displayed products in the website, your use of the website means that you agree to the terms and conditions, the website reserves the right to modify and update these terms and conditions in any time without any notice, therefore the website encourages you to read these terms and conditions whenever you want to use the website, if you do not agree to the terms and conditions please do not use the website.

By registering in the website or buying any product from the website you confirm your agreement to the terms and conditions of the website which are as follows:

General : You testify that you are an adult and above the legal age that entitles you to engage in a legally binding contract of any kind and that there is nothing that prevents you from doing so. And that you will register in the website and buy products from the website in accordance with the terms and conditions of the website, and that all communication between you and the website may be recorded.

Subscription in the website: to subscribe in the website you are obliged to (1) agree to the terms and conditions (2) provide the website with your address, contact information, your personal data requested by the website. And that you agree to be responsible for any activities done using your account and passwords, and that you are responsible for the secrecy of the data that enables you to enter to your account in the website, and that you limit the use of your account to yourself only.

The use of account subscription : you are committed not to use your account for any acts of fraud or any illegal activities or any activities that are not allowed by the website, and that you immediately inform the website management by sending an email to (Info@zoritalingerie.com) informing them of any unauthorized use of your website accounts. The website reserves the right to cancel or deny any subscription to the website without any notice. The cancellation or blocking of your subscription does not affects any other rights that you may have in the website.

Subscription termination : The website may terminate your subscription anytime for any of the following reasons (1) To apply a given law (2) If the website determines that the information (or part of it) you have given to the website is false or untrue or does not describe your current status (3) If the website determines that the way you use the website does not comply with the website terms and conditions of use (4) For any other reason that the website determines at its own discretion.

Buying from the website : The website has the right to cancel or stop any order at its own discretion, and in cases where the ordered product is not anymore available in its stores or in case of a wrong entry of the product price or in cases where there is doubt of a fraud by the user or for any other reason that the website decides at it own discretion. Also the website has the right to take any steps to confirm your identity and in case of denying or stopping the order the website will not charge you for the order.

Return policy : The website will accept returns in some cases and to be informed of the website policy for returns (which may change anytime without prior notice) please read the information in the link return policy.

Cash on delivery : In case the client chooses the option of cash on delivery payment mode, the client is committed to pay for the entire order amount to the shipping company, in case the client refuses to pay for the order in spite it is in accordance with the ordered specifications and quantity the website will have the right to take legal action against the client and the client bares the entire responsibility and cost of the delivery and return of the order and any other legal fees.

Product description : The website will always try to provide the buyer with a clear and accurate description of the product but it does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy or completeness of the description since this description comes from the manufacturer or the exporter of the products, and in case the product was found to be not in consistence with the description in the website, your sole rights will be restricted to the return of the product in accordance with the product return policy of the website.

Prices : the website will always try to provide the client with accurate pricing, but the website does not guarantee that the prices will be flawless, so the website reserves the right to change any prices without any given notice, and to stop any order that has wrong prices for any product and in that case the website will notify the client with an email or by customer service staff.

Product availability : The website will always try to provide the client with accurate information about product availability, but in some rare cases the quantity of a certain product may run out as you are ordering the product in such case you will be informed of the unavailability of the product either by an email or by customer service staff.

Free Shipping: We provide free delivery service on all our products for any order whose value exceeds (50) Jordanian dinars. and for more information about our shipping and delivery policies please go to the page titled “Shipping and Payment policies”.

Website ownership rights: The contents of the website (which includes but not limited to phrases, pictures, design, logos, icons, video and audio clips, programs and codes, appearance, format and order) is the sole property of the www.Zoritalingerie.com website owner, and is protected by local and foreign ownership laws. The website gives you limited rights to use the website functions, the owner of the website reserves the total ownership rights of the website contents including the intellectual rights of the contents of the website and has the right to block the use of the website from any other parties without any given notice.

Information that you give to the website : Any information that you give to the website is governed by the privacy policy of the website (you can read the policy by clicking the link “Privacy policy” at the bottom of the page). The website is committed to apply the privacy policy to the information provided to the website, other than that it has the full right to use this information as it sees fit and the user of the website testifies that the information provided to the website is authentic , true, updated, and reflects the current status of the user. The user should not use a fake email nor should he impersonate others or other entities or try to miss lead the website, some functions in the website requires that you register in the website and by registering in the website you testify that all the information that you provided about yourself are true, accurate, complete and updated.

The use of the website: The website will always be available for use , but in certain rare cases there might be technical problems that makes the website unavailable for use, in such cases the website does not bare any responsibilities of any losses or damages or delays in delivery that the user or the website member may encounter, also the website does not bare any responsibility of any downloads that you might have from the website that causes damages to your computer or network.

Limited liability: Products on sale in the website comes from different sources of service providers, and these service providers are completely independent from the website, and the website does not represent them and does not act on their behalf, therefore the website is not liable for the acts, errors, omissions, representations, warranties, breaches or negligence of any such service providers or for any personal injuries, death, property damage, or other damages or expenses resulting from them. The user of the website assumes full responsibility for the use of the website and the products sold on the website, the user acknowledges that the information that is sent through the website might be pirated and the website does not assume responsibility for any damages as a result of such piracy. The user acknowledges that the use of the website is free and that he/she is using the website at their own risk and that the user relieves the website from any responsibilities including the responsibilities covered by the local and international consumer protection laws and that this includes all websites linked or licensed by the website.

Electronic communications with the website: When you use the website or send an email to the website you are electronically communicating with the website, therefore you accept receiving emails from the website, and you agree that all electronic communications with the website by sending or receiving are in compliance with the rules and laws of written communications, and that all electronic communications sent to you by the website are considered received by you as soon as they are sent from the website or any of the website associated email addresses.

Entire agreement: These terms and conditions are the entire agreement between you and the website, therefore any other prior or later communications or promises or discussions between you and the website are subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement only.

Resolution of conflicts: The website and its users are committed to resolve and settle conflicts between them in good faith by sending a registered mail or an electronic email to the other party explaining the nature of conflicts and the reasons that led to that conflict and attaching all the supporting documents and stating the acceptable resolution of the conflict to the sending party, the other party has to respond within 30 days of receiving the registered mail or electronic email, all emails should be send to Info@zoritalingerie.com , and all registered mail should be send to the following address: